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At Hotel Business Capital we work on mostly franchise hotels with all the major franchises in the market (some smaller ones as well). We have built a very strong professional network at all of the major hotel franchises. We understand that each franchise has their own unique franchise application and approval process. This knowledge and professional network within the franchises is critical to ensuring that our clients are able to get through their franchise application process to franchise approval in the shortest time possible. The franchise approval process can have a great deal of impact on meeting closing deadlines on purchase contracts because often times the buyer does not even start this process until after they get their loan approval and furthermore after they form their business entity (i.e. LLC or Corp). Also, many of our clients are not aware that the formal PIP requirements aka punchlist do not get issued by the franchise until after the franchise receives your formal application and application fee (with the exception of Best Western). As you can see our knowledge and professional network do become very important to help expedite the process once the application is finally received by the franchise. At HBC we share our franchise process knowledge and professional network with only are clients and we believe is yet another factor of why we are able to close our deals quicker than our competitors.


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